Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gratitude Day 25

Today we had my family up for a late Thanksgiving Day. When my mom told my sister I was cooking it, my sister stated that I don't cook. Well I didn't when I still lived at home. But that was then...Now, I make the best Thanksgiving dinner! I am GRATEFUL for my family and also for the great compliments they dished out all night! Yes, I am that good. I once baked a cake and a girl told me it was a "multiple piece" cake. When I asked her what that meant she said, "It was so good I couldn't stop at two pieces and had to have three."
I am also GRATEFUL for mother. After dinner tonight she offered to do dishes, but instead I had her look at our adoption profiles to check for errors. I just need to fix a few things and then maybe we can get them up and running!

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