Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gratitude Day 24

I actually kind of enjoy housework. I like doing dishes, I like vacuuming, and I like doing laundry. But I don't like doing housework when Josh is home. I just want to spend all my time with him. He is willing to help around the house, but I won't let him do much because I think I do it better. Needless to say, my house doesn't get cleaned very well unless Josh isn't home. Today he went with his uncle and grandpa and went for a drive to look for wildlife. He left at 4:00 this morning and he just called to say that he should be home around 6:00 tonight. Tomorrow we are having my family over for a late Thankgiving dinner. All of this relates to my GRATITUDES today. I am GRATEFUL for all the housework I got done while Josh was gone (I finally took down the Halloween decor in my bathroom!) and I am GRATEFUL for the cooking I was able to do today in preperation for tomorrow's feast. Josh will be cooking the turkey. I will be cooking everything else.

1 comment:

Instantly Mama said...

Hi! This is Rachel from over at Instantly Mama. You asked where I found the blinkies? You can search for them with the keyword "blinky" or "blinkies". There are LOTS of sites out there with free blinkies to share. Have fun! They're addicting. :)