Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gratitude Day 7

Hmmm, I'm only to Day 7 and already I am having a hard time thinking of something to be grateful for... It's just been an average day so it's not like "oh, I'm so glad for that", or "I wish I had that."

But it is a beautiful day so I guess I can be GRATEFUL that we don't have snow yet. I can still remember last year and it was horrid! But, on the other hand, if we did have snow that I would have to be GRATEFUL for the water it would provide for us in the spring when it melted. Which to wish for?!?

I am also GRATEFUL for our wood burning stove. Working for the electric company, I am starting to see some high energy bills come in and I'm glad I'm not amongst them. Of course I wouldn't be because our house is heated by propane (YIKES!) and that is even worse. But I don't have to worry because of our stove. It keeps the house so nicely warm (ya, we opened the window for 15 minutes last night to cool the bedroom down before bedtime!).

Oh and by the way, I am not going to bed until I finish Breaking Dawn. It's so good I can't seem to put it down.


Elizabeth and Brian said...

Love the new header. Wanted you to know sometimes I pull up your blog and keep it up just to listen to the music!

Anonymous said...

Your back ground is great but the dark letters on the red back ground is giving me a headache.