Friday, November 21, 2008

Gratitude Day 16

I don't care what Josh thinks, I am GRATEFUL for my new hair style. Sometimes I need a change and my hair is the best thing to mess with because I know it won't be life altering. Sure I've had some bad experiences, but if I wait long enough my hair will grow back in to the way it used to be. That's why I didn't consider a cut this time. I can still remember how long it took to grow back from the last time I cut it. I loved that short style, but I also love being able to throw my hair into a ponytail (and take off my bra - you know a man invented those as a torture device!) after working all day.

I am also GRATEFUL that I have learned to love to cook. I didn't care for it when we first were married. I didn't hate it, but it didn't excite me like it does now. I am GRATEFUL for a great mother in-law who got me excited about cooking. My mom tried; I can remember fighting her on it. But something about Barb's cooking made me want to be a great cook. And I know I do a good job because Josh has told me on several things that I cook it better than his mom! I wish I didn't work full-time so I could cook more. I also wish that I didn't enjoy cooking sweets so much.

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