Friday, November 21, 2008

New Hair Style

Here it is! I am very happy with how it turned out. It took the gal 2 hours to roll my hair in the curlers. When she was about half way through she realized she didn't have enough solution so she called her friend who happened to be in town picking up their kids from dance and had her pick up a few boxes. I'm glad she did! We tried to count the curling rods as we pulled them out, but her kids are way cute and I was paying more attention to them. I think there was about 65 curlers in my hair. Josh thinks it's "nice" which really means he thought I should have left it alone. He suggested I get it cut like Alice in Twilight, but I had to remind him that he doesn't like me with short hair. We're going to the movies tomorrow night. He can't wait!

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