Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gratitude Day 27

I have received a lot of feed back from our infertility blogs and I am GRATEFUL for that. I am also GRATEFUL that I wrote it. It is the hardest blog I've ever written, but it seemed to help me feel better. I was able to look back over it and go "Wow, I survived that. I must be pretty strong." I have learned two things from it. First, It is easy to forgive, but it is hard to forget. I have come to terms with what I have been through, but that doesn't mean I stopped hurting. It doesn't hurt constantly like it used too, but every now and then something will trigger a memory and if I stop to think about it, it still hurts. The other thing I have learned is that time heals all wounds. When I think about my infertility these days I can do it without crying and I can even smile about it because we feel so special that we get to adopt. To those of you who took it as a personal assault against you I apologize. I really was just trying to get my emotions out and hopefully maybe give people a better understanding of what we have lived through. My intent was never to make someone feel guilty because they have been blessed with children. I am happy for those who have been blessed with children. Children are wonderful joys and I want everyone to be able to experience that.

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