Wednesday, June 1, 2011

21. Pictures of things that make you happy.

I swear blogger has made it near impossible to load pictures anymore. So these are just in random order. Be prepared for a lot of pictures, this post turned into a favorites pictures post. :)

Seriously, who can look at this picture and NOT laugh.
One of my favorite pictures of me.
Holding my favorite cousin when he was smaller.
I LOVE these gals.

One of my favorite candid pictures of us.
I will cherish these pictures fishing with Preston for the rest of my life.

I have TONS of favorite kitten photos, but this is the only one where I could get them all to line up together.

The day Josh's family went through the temple was one of the best days of my life.

A few of my favorite landscape pictures.

I LOVE this picture of Tyler with his uncle Dallon.
My favorite wedding pictures.
My husband is so SEXY!
This may be my favorite picture of Buddy.
My favorite picture of Zipper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the wedding photo!