Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Tree 2013

I was so excited to get our first Christmas tree in our new home. I always want to get a tree the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but Josh isn't a big fan of Christmas, so I always wait until the first Saturday of December.

This year, I almost forgot. I had to work for my uncle Kevan, so I told Josh we would have to get the tree early Saturday morning. Then I would just decorate it on Sunday. It was about an hour and a half before I had to leave when I realized, we still hadn't gotten a tree. So we rushed to the tree lot. I actually loved the very first tree I looked at, but Josh decided it was too big. So we walked around the lot a few times until I found another perfect tree.

 Of course, within minutes of getting it home, someone was underneath it trying to find trouble.

Our new home's first Christmas tree.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We have one of those fur children that loves to find trouble under the tree too! Love your tree!