Sunday, August 29, 2010


Its no secret, Josh and I are both suckers for kittens. We spoil them and we know it. When we moved to the country I thought it would be nice if they started living outside instead of inside. We couldn't do it. We like having them in bed with us at night.

This week we decided the kittens learn about the importance of bedtime. Its been an adventure. To us, bedtime means sleep. To them it means, another place to explore and play! So each night we carefully tuck our toes under the thick blanket so it doesn't hurt when they bite us. The first night Buddy cuddled right up to Josh and went to sleep. Around midnight I had enough of the other kittens playing, so I threw them out and shut our bedroom door. A few hours later I opened the door back up to let Zipper out. Within 5 minutes all the kittens were there. They played for a minute and then finally went to sleep.

They've gotten a little better each night. I didn't get any pictures until last night. I went in to get ready for bed and found that Buddy had already made his way to bed. The first time I went in, he was a few inches away from Zipper, but when I went in later I found him cuddled up with Zipper. He looks so happy in the second picture. :)
Getting ready for bedtime. Will they play or will they sleep?
Looks like we're thinking of calling it a night!All nestled in!
Then the lights went off. I took the rest of these pictures in the dark. I'm impressed how well they turned out. They had decided it would be more fun to get my toes.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

They're too cute! I love how Buddy is snuggling with Zippy so content in the second picture and I also love how Buddy's mouth is open in the last picture biting your toes!