Saturday, June 19, 2010

Operation Organize Kitchen

We have lived in our house for four years now. I love our house, but I have a hateful relationship with our kitchen. For example, it has a dishwasher, but since we are on well water, we don't have enough water pressure and the dishes come out looking worse then when they went in. But that's okay, because I used it for something else that is lacking in my The cupboards are few and the ones we have are small.

About 18 months ago, I feel in love with my mother in-laws new shelf in her kitchen. I saved up my pennies and with some Christmas money, I was able to buy one. But I decided my craft room was more of a disaster zone, so it went in there. (You can see pictures of what a difference it made on THIS POST.) Then Josh's job got real slow and money because something I wasn't willing to spend.

Here is what my kitchen has look like for years now because I've never really had room for anything. All the cupboards didn't close all the way, because they were stuffed as full as they could be.

The corner by the door. Sad, I know.
This is the table. I hear people actually eat off of them.
And my counter top. Usually there isn't that many cereal boxes, but with Josh working far from home, I don't like cooking so cereal has become my new staple food.
Last week I went to Lowe's and bought the shelf I've been dreaming about for over a year now. It was better then Christmas. It opened so many possibilities. Before I knew what I was doing I had emptied one cupboard onto the counter so I could scrub it down and empty a different cupboard into it. I had no idea how much work this shelf would require. I spent my entire day off yesterday reorganizing my cupboard. Guess what? They all shut tightly now! And I have room for when I start cooking again and doing real grocery shopping again!
The funnest part of the day was going through my tupperware containers. I had 35 lids that had now container to go with them. There was 7 containers that didn't have lids. I'm getting rid of the ones I have cussed for years because I don't like how they seal and I can't wait to get new ones.
Here's the after pictures. I'm so in love with my kitchen.
Another change I made was I put the cat food on a little rug. Zipper thinks the only way to eat is to grab a mouth full of food, drop it on the floor, and then eat half of what he drops. Ally chases the other half around and I end up stepping on little bits of kitty food. This has been so much better.
Our next home project is we are going to finally start painting inside the house. Hopefully we'll start that next week. Wish me luck because I will be doing most of it myself. We've decided on white walls, white doors and black trim.


Jessica said...

Organizing always feels so good! I love your new shelf. Good luck with painting. The black trim sounds so prim!

Meka said...

I love it Savannah! I think it looks great!

I am excited that you will be having kitties in your home by the way! I love little kitties! I used to have a black and white cat that looked just liked yours in the picture below. Her name was Skippy. Anyways, the conference is soon!!! That is exciting!

bookladydavina said...

I feel your pain.. I hate my kitchen.. it's too small, I don't have room for everything, and even with a pantry downstairs I rarely see my counter tops, and there really is no room for a real dining table because the nook for the table also has french doors that open into the space, so you either block the doors, or have a tiny space that barely fits 4 (6 if everyone really likes each other..) and that's still blocking one of the doors. Thankfully our well does offer enough pressure that I can use the dishwasher.. when it decides to cooperate (and this is the new one...) but now the oven on the stove has gone out and I had to get a toaster oven to compensate while we save up for a new stove (just in time for summer house guests..) why is life always so crazy?? :)
good luck with the painting.. I generally prefer painting furniture to walls, but i need to do some wall painting too.. if other things will stop climbing the priority list when I'm not looking...