Friday, June 25, 2010

Ally's ultrasound

I was so excited for today, I didn't think her appointment at 4:30 would ever come!

Pyro had some more tumors that needed removed so I was actually at the vet twice today. I was there at 8:00 this morning, but when I talked to them about the ultrasound they couldn't do it until this afternoon.

So this afternoon when I went to pick up Pyro, I took Ally. She is my first cat that doesn't enjoy car rides. She sat in my lap the entire way down.

First they had to shave her belly. This was the part that almost made me change my mind. But I think with the hot weather she will actually enjoy having less hair.

Getting started. She really was pretty good. I thought she would be a lot more mean. They ended up needing a guy to run the ultrasound and two guys to hold her legs cause she kept squirming.
This was the first kitten. I even saw a leg move! I think by now the vets had decided I was pretty weird. Well, they probably thought that when I took a picture of her getting her belly shaved. And they probably thought it when I tried to get my camera to record the ultrasound screen (that didn't work, it was all blurry).
This was the next heartbeat I saw. I assumed we were at kitten #2; nope this was kitten #4! I was so proud I saw it that I asked for another picture.
They guessed that Ally will have around 6 kittens, maybe one less, maybe one more. Only two more weeks. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm loving it and laughing at the same time about the kitty belly gel. How fun was this!