Saturday, September 20, 2008

About our Adoption Journey

In 2006 we started to seek some medical help for creating a family. We had been married for just over 5 years and realized we wouldn't be able to do it alone. We started small by just trying some fertility pills and a test to check my thyroid (my mom had that problem).After a few rounds of fertility pills a dear friend convinced me that we needed to have Josh tested. Our local hospital does a simple check, but we decided to head to Provo to have a more comprehensive test done. Josh hates going to the city so I had to bribe him with a trip to Cabela's. He claims I tricked him into it. I asked if he would like to go to Cabela's for our anniversary and he said yes. Then I said "since we're there, let's have you tested." I think he looks back on it the most uncomfortable anniversary we've ever had.It took a few weeks to get the results. They wouldn't send them directly to us; they had to go to my doctor. Apparently there was miscommunication on their fax number. When we finally got the results we had to look at them for several minutes. I thought there was a mistake; all the spaces were empty. Then at the very bottom there was a sperm count. Zero.This should have been devastating for us. It would have been if we hadn't of had some wonderful spiritual experiences in the weeks between the test and the results. Josh was driving home from work one night when an ad came on the radio for Hallmark Cards. It was about how they have cards for unusual special experience. It than had a lady that described finding a card for her sister who was adopting. He knew at that moment we needed to adopt. My experience was in the temple. Josh had gone on a Scout Camping trip with my brother so I got up early and did a temple session. I poured my heart out to my Heavenly Father. I left with the most peaceful feeling I've ever had. I knew that God was thoughtful of me and that he would bless me with a family. I just needed to pursue it down another path.We started the process in April of 2007. There is a ton of paperwork! They want to know everything about you. We are adopting through our church with LDS Family Services. We were finally approved in January of 2008 for adoption.We are very excited to adopt. We know that it is the right thing for our family. I don't think you can go through anything more spiritual than adoption. We are still waiting for a mother to choose us but we are hopeful.

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