Friday, March 22, 2013

Coloring Easter Eggs

I was starting to wonder if we would end up coloring Easter Eggs this year, but was worried we wouldn't. So when my sister asked if we could do it at book club, I was excited. Actually, it was Alden who planned it and bought all the stuff.
I will admit, just last week, I mentioned to Josh it might be fun to have all the nephews up to our house to color eggs. But after doing it at my mom's, I would rather do it somewhere else. I think the mess would stress me out. Maybe in a few years when they are all bigger.
But despite the mess, it was a blast. Valex was so excited he hardly let us eat dinner.  By the end of the night, he had green and blue fingers, belly, even his belly button. I guess, the messier the kid, the more they loved it. ;)
Daxsen just sat with us, but I think he had just as much fun. Next year, he'll be old enough to be in the middle of the mess. 

I was trying to take a picture of Alden's egg, but I loved how you could see Valex holding his egg in the back ground. My sister was worried he would squish one open.

Mom took his egg away and since it took more then .03 seconds to give him a new one, we started to throw a fit.

And then all was well again.

Daxsen spent most of his time pinching uncle Alden.

So then uncle Alden would tickle him.

I tried to do a multi colored egg for my last egg. It meant holding it in multiple cups, but I loved how it turned out. 
While I was working on my colorful egg, I whispered, "this egg is going to be epic!" Next thing I knew, there was an epic egg. ;)


All of my eggs. Josh can't wait for me to turn them into deviled eggs for him. I can't wait to do it again next year. 

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love your multi colored egg! Looks like a fun night. :)