Last Tuesday, I happened to say something about how Melanie was going to run the Altamont Longhorn Days 5K that Saturday. Josh decided he wanted to run it too. He runs off and on, so I wasn't too worried about him. I, on the other hand, decided to skip it since I never run. (My plantar facetious, in my right foot, is doing better, but not that much better. ) In the end, I told him I would do it if I could take Sage, but he didn't think they would let me. When we signed Josh up, they told me it would have been fine to bring my dog, so maybe next year.
Josh and Dallon before the race.
All the runners lined up at the start of the race. I'm not sure where anyone is.
Josh said right as he turned the last corner, Dallon ran past him and waved. Josh tried hard to catch back up, but ended up finishing 2 seconds behind Dallon. I was on the sidelines yelling at him to not let his younger brother beat him.
Melanie waving to the boys at the finish line.
Natalie is the 3rd person back.
Josh finished 19th place at 26.30. I'm so proud of him.