Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Valex's 1st Day of School

I can't even express how excited I was when Vanessa asked me if I would like to go with her to drop Valex off for his first day of school. Its one of those moments I thought I would never get to experience because of my infertility. But she must be able to see inside my heart. I can't even thank her enough for inviting me along. 

She only lives a few blocks away, so we decided to walk. Unfortunately, Valex had been sick with a stomach bug the night before, so he wasn't very excited.

When it was time to leave, I'm not sure who was more heartbroken, him or his mom. As we walked back to the house, she told me that if he had a bad day she didn't know if she would be able to make him go again.

Luckily for both of them, he loved it.

But it also wore him out. This was how he crashed on the couch shortly after they got home.

I was also lucky enough that I got to pick him up the next day. I had an appointment right after, so basically I was just his ride from school to day care. 

The day before, when we were trying to get him excited for school I had told him, "Valex, you're going to have so much fun. You'll learn how to read at school!" So when I picked him up the next day, I asked how his day was and if he learned anything new. He thought for a second and then looked at me and said (in a serious voice), "well, I didn't learn to READ." I laughed and told him it would probably take a few weeks.

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