Sunday, November 28, 2010

Santa's Workshop

On Friday, Jessica and I went to Santa's workshop in Vernal. Well, we went to lots of places in Vernal. (Lunch at Quizno's!) Here is a few of my finds. I have a lot of other stuff, but I'll post them later as I get them set up. When we get our family pictures back I want to make a big wall of pictures, so some of my purchases are for that project. 

I just loved these snowman! I have a lot of snowman at my house, they are all I'll decorate with for Christmas.  That way I can leave them up until February or March. If I get a Santa as a gift, I regift him.

Maesar has a new Home Decor store. I bought some flowers for my Christmas tree (that will hopefully be up next weekend). Then I got these two snowman for Josh. 

I found this at the workshop. :)
I have looked at these towels for three years now at the workshop and at Roosevelt's Holly Fair. I decided it was time to break down and buy them. 

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