Friday, September 26, 2008

Baby Cakes

I love making crafts. I don't know if I'm good enough to do it professionaly, but I love creating things with my hands. Of course there is scrapbooking, and I do that often. But over the last few years I have ventured out and tried a few other things.
One year I tied quilts for everyone in my family and gave it to them on their birthday. I did my dad's first (since his birthday is first in the year). That was were I learned a very important lesson. I did a quilt out of John Deere fabric. After we had it on the quilting stand and a few ties done I realized that half the tractors were upside down! When I had sewn the two strips together I forgot to make sure they were both facing the same way. After some debating we decided to just leave it. I'm not sure if my dad has even noticed it!
Another year I tried to learn to crochet. I made like 100 hotpads! So that's what I gave out for Christmas that year to everyone I knew (and even then they each recieved several)! Another Christmas I made floral arrangements for our grandparents. Last Christmas I made No-Sew Fleece pillows. They were easy - unless you decided to make 80! I found the pillows and fabric online. There was a problem with my pillow order and they came 4 days before Christmas! I was in a hurry to get all of them done, but I did it! Next time I get a wild hair to make Christmas gifts I think I will cut back on who gets them. All ready this year I have started to make some Christmas gifts, but I scaled back and I am only making a dozen this year. Sorry to everyone else who gets a store bought generic gift!
A few years ago I went nuts for Halloween and made several items. I made mummy heads out of Styrofoam balls and cheese cloths, a ghost out of string, another ghost out of a table cloth, spiders out of tea light candles and wire pipe cleaner, ghosts out of fabric (I didn't like how they turned out) and then my favorite was some No-sew fabric pumpkins. They were a lot of fun to make. You start with a toilet paper roll and wrap batting around them and then wrap and hot glue fabric on. I really got creative; some of them are actually filled with Josh's old holey socks! I made a ton of those so I gave them away as presents for Halloween.
My favorite thing to make is Baby Cakes. When we were getting ready for my Sister in-law's baby shower I wanted to make a shaped cake, like a stroller or teddy bear. So I went on line to look for a pattern. Instead I found a gift cake made out of diapers. So out came the ribbons and scissors and I got to work! Since then I made also made 4 baby girl cakes. Preston is the only boy I've made a boy themed baby cake for so far. They are fun to make and each has been a little different. But basically it's a layer of diapers, a layer of onsies, and then a layer of burp clothes or wash rags ( I did a layer of both for Preston since he is my nephew). Then I just attach various items like hair bows, brushes, socks, caps, binky's, and always a stuffed animal. Then I put them on a piece of cardboard and wrap them up in tulle.

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