Tuesday, June 18, 2024

My Dad's Wedding

About a month ago, my dad called to see if he could come visit. He had a lady friend, Susan, he wanted us to meet. 

Then, a week later he called to say they would be getting married the following Saturday. I was thrilled for him, but also sad because that was the day I flew to Atlanta. I told him it was ok if I wasn't there, but I would miss it.

Between myself, my sister and some of Susan's children, that day just wasn't good. So they decided to move it forward two weeks and get married this Saturday.

When it was all set, the bishop that was going to marry them had some conflicting issues. They could either wait another week or get married during the week.

So they got married this morning.

The wedding was held at my grandparents house. All of my siblings were able to be there, along with most of my dad's siblings.

My aunt Susan (yes, now we have two Susan's in the family) was sweet enough to make them a cake for today.

While we were inside getting ready to cut the cake, my brother Alden was outside decorating their car.

I'm so happy for my dad. Susan seems very sweet and she makes him happy.

Monday, August 15, 2016


A month ago, I came home from a weekend out of town with my sister, to find out my husband was leaving me. He had already packed a bag and was just waiting to say goodbye. As I stood on my back porch and watched him drive away, I wanted to die. But God got me through that night and the following days.

A week later, I learned there was another woman. Each day, my eyes have become more open to all the stuff the liar hid from me. Stuff I put up with for years because I loved him. Stuff he hid from me because he was a coward to own up to any of it.

He was willing to end our 15-1/2 marriage for someone he claims he only just met in June. I was willing to work things out. I was ready to forgive. I believe that is what you do in a marriage. Instead, he decided to let his true colors show and walk away.

By the third week, I had hired a divorce lawyer and before week four ended, I had signed papers and I have started the 90 day separation period that Utah courts require before the judge will sign off and end our marriage.

When he first left, I felt like I was loosing everything. But it turns out he is the one that will loose everything. I get to keep my home and my car (which is paid for). I also get to keep basically everything inside the home. The only thing that will leave those walls are his hunting and fishing supplies.

I no longer feel like I am the one loosing him, but he will be the one that looses me. I loved being married. I loved being a wife. He will search the world over and never be able to find someone as amazing as me. Or someone who put up with his crap the way I did.

His first mistake was cheating on me. His second mistake was giving me time to figure out I could live without him. I will forgive him because I can't live with the hate in my heart. But I also plan to forget him and move on with my life.

I will be okay. I have a great job that will cover all of my expenses. I have amazing friends and family to support and love me as I go through this. Most importantly, I have God who is always faithful. His peace surrounds me each day and I am continually in awe of His power and grace.

This chapter of my life is over, but a new one is beginning. I will no longer be updating this blog. I won't delete it because it holds many happy memories, such as my nephews, but I don't feel like I can continue it either. Instead, I've decided to start a new one. Feel free to follow me at Sparkles & Stardust.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Preston's Baptism

Preston was baptized this weekend. My best friend always has a towel made for her nieces & nephews. I thought it was such a cute idea, I had to do it too.

I loved that he could have a special towel to use on his special day. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Colt's 2nd Birthday

The card I mailed to Colt for his birthday.

I bought him a few cute outfits for his birthday.

I loved that the shark shirt has a fin on the back, so I had to get it!

I love how each cake I make because my new favorite. Its always so fun!

Natalie made "haystacks" and "cowpies" to go with his cake. 

He didn't want his picture taken, so this was the best we got. Looks like he is ready to take on the terrible twos. 

It was fun watching Colt open presents. 

I think this sandbox dumptruck was his favorite. Between each gift, he would grab one of the rakes that came with it and start to play with them.